Policies, Bylaws & Resolutions

Policies, Bylaws & Resolutions #

Overwhelmed? Can’t remember the difference between a bylaw and a resolution? No problem! We’ve created a handy cheat sheet for you to download print, and fold up tiny enough to fit in your notebook, tuck in your purse, or share with your friends! Download it here.

AJLI Certificate of Incorporation #

Legal document establishing the corporation. Two-thirds of the Junior Leagues required to adopt or amend.

AJLI Bylaws #

Organizational document that spells out the governance and regulation of AJLI’s affairs; stipulates who the members of AJLI are, what authority Leagues have and what authority Leagues delegate to the Board. Two-thirds of the Junior Leagues required to adopt or amend.

Operational Policies Approved by the Junior Leagues #

Statements, based on the Bylaws, that spell out those aspects of AJLI that directly impact the programs, operations and activities of the Junior Leagues. Two-thirds affirmative vote of the votes cast by Junior Leagues required to adopt or amend.

Advisory Resolutions #

Resolutions that communicate areas of interest, concern, or grievance by member Junior League(s) to the AJLI Board of Directors. These resolutions are advisory in nature and suggest possible action to the Board. Majority affirmative vote (of all votes cast) required to adopt or amend. Majority affirmative vote (of all votes cast) required to adopt or amend.

AJLI External Statements #

Are short-term stands on a particular issue of relevance to our Mission, Vison and Values. External Statements are for a finite period of time and do expire. 50% of Junior Leagues should respond to the review of the proposed topic, of which at least two-thirds are to be in the affirmative. The final approval rests with the AJLI Board of Directors.

AJLI External Policies #

Long-term policy work adopted by the Junior Leagues expressing their shared values on public policy issues. An External Policy is required before any collective action may be taken on behalf of all Junior Leagues. 85% affirmative vote (of all votes cast) is required to adopt or amend.

Association Governance Dialogue #

An opportunity for informal dialogue and discussion of any subject matter of interest to the Junior Leagues regarding the Association. Dialogue is an informal session at which no formal votes are taken.

AJLI Board-Approved Operational Policies #

Statements, based on the Bylaws, that spell out how the Board governs and manages AJLI. Majority vote of the Board required to adopt or amend.

AJLI Governance Library