Your Role As A League Leader In The Association

What Is A “Member” Role? #

When a League leader is acting in a “member” role, she is no longer acting on her League’s behalf to move the Association forward; rather, she is now asking the Association how it can help her better her League. While wearing the “member of the Association” hat, she asks questions such as “what benefits does the Association provide to my League Members” and “how can our network of more than 125,000 women help my Members become stronger civic leaders and affect systemic change in our community?”

The Work Of The Association #

The Association maintains a Team of professionals led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Under her leadership, the Executive Team and Senior Team, along with their respective teams, translate the organization’s strategic goals into a service plan and budget and are responsible for providing services to the Leagues in their fulfillment of The Junior League Mission.

Association services include conferences—which involve skills enhancement, training and networking opportunities with other Leagues, timely discussion of social issues and trends that affect League communities—as well as technical assistance with the AJLI website and League branding and communications issues.

The Association also provides guidelines and support for managing and promoting The Junior League brand, curricula for training and consulting services.

Association services for Junior Leagues are developed and strengthened through ongoing dialogue with League leaders at Association meetings, at individual League meetings, by email and telephone consultations, as well as through formal surveys.

The AJLI Board sets policies that vest management responsibilities in the CEO. The CEO is responsible to the Board for accomplishing the purpose of the Association within prescribed limitations. The Board is ultimately accountable to the Leagues for the work of the AJLI Team and monitors such work through the process of monitoring the performance of the CEO.

Your Rights Regarding AJLI Services #

It is your right and your responsibility to ensure that your League is receiving services from the Association to add value in your fulfillment of The Junior League Mission. If you have an idea, concern, complaint or grievance about the services provided by the Association, you may contact AJLI through the Help Desk, by phone, or via the AJLI website.

You also can bring any concerns to the Dialogues and other sessions held during each AJLI conference.

If You Don’t Get the Results You Desire #

  • Discuss the issue with a Senior Team member. The Senior Team member will forward the complaint to the appropriate party for resolution of the issue and will monitor the complaint. The complaint will be acknowledged within two business days, and a plan to resolve the issue will be presented within 10 business days of initial contact with the Senior Team
  • If these procedures do not yield satisfaction, you should contact the Chief Executive Officer
  • these procedures still do not yield satisfaction, you should contact the AJLI Vice President

For more information, visit the AJLI Member Service Policy page.